We are not afraid of creative gymnastics, performed with solid and flexible bases.


Behind Ingrid Ingrid’s smile:



Daydreaming is a mission. It allows for the creation of surprising experiences.



We work with authors, directors, and people from every walk of life to offer fresh perspectives.



We create for a fast-paced world, that keeps changing and evolving: states of mind, rhythms, physical contexts, technologies.



Experimenting is playing. Games open up new possibilities for discovery, for surprising ourselves, and for having fun. Fun is contagious. In the end, experimenting is a way to think about and do with others, for others. It knows no end, which makes us pretty happy.


Flexibility X Rigour

In order for experimentation to generate a real output, collaborative processes must be implemented. Collaboration comes from both trust and flexibility. But if we want to avoid any harm, this flexibility cannot be infinite. This is where rigour comes into play. They go hand in hand. When those qualities are united, magic happens.




The projects we are thrilled about: 

"Quand la foule devient cirque" app

"Quand la foule devient cirque" app

"Quartier des spectacles" mobile app

"Quartier des spectacles" mobile app

